Green tea is the modern age “liquid elixir". Most widely consumed beverage after water, a cup of it does wonders to our body. The Asian world has been steeping green tea for nearly 5,000 years, but very recently has this beverage made it into limelight for its myriad health benefits. Purple Kaddu gives you the proven benefits of green tea which is sure to keep you hooked onto this beverage for a long long time.
Keep your mind sharp with green tea. Research has shown that regular drinking of this beverage helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, by restoring the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine thus keeping the mind active.
It’s not just vitamin D that is your bone’s angel, recent studies suggest that the tea polyphenols along with vitamin D helps to strengthen bone structure. EGCG helps to block activity of chemicals that are involved in bone breakdown, thus, sparing your bones and improving its health.
Eating greasy foods puts your heart health at risk. It has been proved that green tea helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases as it helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels and decreasing triglyceride levels.
Regular consumption of green tea lowers chances of getting high blood pressure as green tea blocks the activity of thromboxane and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), which are associated with high blood pressure.
The catechins in green tea are capable of protecting the eye. You wonder how? The EGCG in green tea helps in protecting the retina against UV (ultraviolet) damage.
From among the bountiful benefits green tea provides, reducing risk of cancer is an added boon.This it does by inhibiting formation of tumour cells at different stages in different organs. Hence, acting as an anti-carcinogen.
Type-2 diabetes is on the run and hitting a large population. Studies have proved that green tea might help lower your chance of being run over by diabetes by improveing insulin sensitivity and thus keeping blood glucose levels low.
Tea has a bad reputation for staining teeth, but green tea has none. So keep your teeth sparkling white with this beverage. Besides, the fluoride content in the tea helps in strengthening the tooth enamel. Green tea also lowers activity of microbes by reducing acid in the saliva.
Having green tea after a hearty meal aids in better digestion of food, courtesy to the polyphenols present in it. It helps to ward off the uneasy intestinal gas.
This is one of the many reasons why we are into this tea. Studies have shown the positive effect on weight loss and maintenance in people who consumed green tea regularly. Thanks to the compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and caffeine in the tea, which helps in breaking down fat. However, the effect is minimal, as the quantity of this chemical required for weight loss is not very high in green tea.
Green tea acts as a preventive remedy for people prone to pollen allergy. A chemical called o-methylated EGCG from oolong tea has been shown to reduce occurrence of pollen allergy.
With these wonderful benefits of green tea, it is hard not to go and make a hot cup of green tea for yourself! A word of caution, tea plants can accumulate high levels of lead and fluoride, especially teas from China has been found to contain high lead levels. So shop for Japan grown green tea and make sure the leaves are green and not brown or black, as green has potent health benefits. Also, switch to loose tea leaves in places of tea bags as the chemicals from the material of bag have been shown to decrease the effectiveness of the drink. With all said, it’s time to indulge yourself in the warmth of green tea and bask in its beautiful benefits. After all, drinking healthy is the better half of eating healthy.