And the wedding season arrives-
“See ma’am, I have to lose 18kgs and I want my tummy to be just flat and my cheeks have to look chiselled ,my jaw line has to show. Also my complexion should be clear and I should be Glowing. And she blushed, saying I just have a month for my marriage.”
“Ok”...I said with a pause.
Preparing for your best looks for the Big day starts way in advance, at least 3 months before your wedding. Fix Simple things first and rest would be sorted when it comes to your health and looks..
So before you take the 7 vows make sure you follow these seven wonder tips too.
(Preferably only Home-made, Seasonal food)
Eat desi, enjoy the natural taste and the Freshness.
Eat those colourful fruits fresh, crisp & before you need to refrigerate them for a longer shelf life.
Sugarcane juice - When it comes to healthy skin, alpha-hydroxy acids are supposed to have a lot of benefits. They fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated. One of the most effective alpha-hydroxy acids is glycolic acid and sugarcane, is one of its few natural sources. Plus its a bank of natural and potent anti-oxidants, with great detoxifying properties.
Ghee - the boon we are blessed with, should be a part of the diet to be slim, beautiful, to be guarded against infections and to have a clean face and a clean gut (system) ;)
Curds - that bowl full of calcium, high biological value protein and loads of probiotic is what you definitely need, to look and most importantly feel your best.
Drink boiled Water and at least 2L of water a day, and at least 150 mins a week expose yourself to greenery and high oxygen zones. You need that hydration and also that exchange of positive energy from the greenery around to kindle the flow of all rich and positive thoughts.
For all the positive thoughts & the Vitamin D stock, you definitely need Sunshine Exposure.
At least Fifteen minutes of daily sun exposure (without sunscreen) in the morning is a must.
At least half hour of Physical activity every day.
Right from, releasing ‘Feel happy’ hormones, to giving a boost to your mood, to helping you lose weight and also for getting the glow right. It has multiple benefits.
Kar ke dekho,acha lagta hai ;)
Breath is the junction point between mind, body & spirit. Every change of mental state is reflected in the breath and then in the body. Mentally, balanced breathing is reflected in the sense of calm, lack of tension and quietness of mind n wellbeing. Practising mindful breathing just for 10mins a day, would do up the trick for you.
Making you look calm & composed, making you more kind with your own self and living in the moment are few of the benefits it has.
Negative nancy are every-where, who seem to delight in sabotaging the positive progress of others. Don’t forget you are the product of your environment. Prolonged association with negative people makes us think negatively.
The MIND FOOD you feed yourself is of equal importance.
So all Positive things, food, people will put together to a healthy, slim and positively Charming Beautiful “YOU”.
Brides to be, my dear girlies..
Let me tell you, this is Just the Beginning...
Beginning to the New Life, in all terms.
You have to look your Best for your day.
But ,It’s not just the looks that matter it’s also how you feel and enjoy...!
Also, Your World would change...
Your transition from mumma papa's princess , to the responsible Bahurani ;)
Could be a little tricky for your body too,
Take-Care.. not just now...but Forever, from now on.
All the best!!