Calcium is a mineral that is extremely essential for healthy bones, teeth, nerves & muscles. It is the core nutrient for a healthy posture, swift movements and core strength. Calcium forms approximately 2% of the total body weight. Along with minerals like magnesium, iron & zinc, calcium is a must include for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers & the aged.
The role of calcium for a healthy body
Daily calcium requirement according to Indian RDA
Milk and dairy products are the primary source of calcium for Indians, with upto 70% of the daily calcium being derived from these foods. However, with increasing cases of lactose intolerance, people today are converting to Veganism out of allergy or choice. Veganism was of eating prohibits the use of any animal derived foods including dairy foods, meat, honey etc. Hence, calcium supplementation – naturally must be obtained from other food sources.
Given below is a list of vegan foods that have excellent quality of absorbable calcium