Cooking is a culinary art which makes the food more palatable. However during cooking, exposure to heat, light, oxygen alters the nutrients in the food and may lead to significant nutrient losses. However cooking also improves the digestibility of foods, increases availability of certain phytonutrients and decreases antinutrient factors as an advantage other than ofcourse making the food tasty. So we need to develop the art of smart cooking to be able to enjoy delicious at the same time nutritious food .
How we lose nutrients and what we can do to prevent it?
Drained away with water: Water soluble vitamins which are the B complex vitamins and vitamin C are easily lost when vegetables containing these are soaked and the water used for soaking is drained away. These vitamins are lost even during washing or when the water used to boil or blanch the food containing them is thrown away. Minerals also get leached out from boiled legumes but are more stable as compared to vitamins.
Heat: Some vitamins are heat labile i.e they get destroyed when exposed to too much heat. Of these, thiamin(B1),folate , Vitamin B 12 and vitamin C are most unstable and are easily destroyed by heat. Longer cooking time, higher temperatures, baking, canning and dehydration causes maximum loss of these vital nutrients.
Air: Exposure to air, basically oxygen causes oxidation of Vitamin C .Oxidative losses increase with temperature, long cooking time and cutting vegetables into small pieces or mashing them. Vitamin A is also prone to oxidation .
Light: Vitamins such as Riboflavin (Vitamin B2),Vitamin E and K are light sensitive and so sun drying, cooking foods in pots open to light causes destruction of the vitamins.
Alkaline medium: Adding soda while cooking makes the cooking medium alkaline. It enhances colour of green vegetables, and fastens the cooking process , however it destroys Vitamin B 1 ,B2, B6 , Vitamin C and Vitamin K to a large extent.