Gaining weight during pregnancy is perfectly natural. By the end of 9 months, women weighs atleast 12kg more! Giving birth to a new life is itself a beautiful experience, but the unwanted weight is what troubles the new mom. No, we are not asking new moms to follow a strict diet and actually lose weight. It's just targetting the fat accumulated over the months and preventing further weight gain. Thats what you will get to read in this blog. So, lets get started.
Sounds funny but yes, getting your daily dose of refreshing sleep helps regulate metabolism. Besides, it keeps you energetic throughout the day. With feeding and nursing your kid at odd times, you might not get sufficient time to sleep. So, 'Sleep when the baby sleeps'. If you are left alone with baby during weekdays, sleep over the weekends when other family members are around.
An important act post delivery - breastfeeding helps the most in losing weight. How? Little one demands milk every few hours. This means mothers body is spending calories every few hours to produce milk.The fat stored during pregnancy provides energy to the body to produce milk as and when demanded. So Moms, do not stop feeding your baby, atleast for the first 6-8 months.Besides, its a great way to bond with the newborn.
Major percentage of breastmilk is water. So don't forget to drink up post the feeding session. Drinking sufficient water is the best weight loss tip ever.
Gift yourself a Massage everyday. Massage will help relieve stress, elevate mood, improve blood supply and give your body the much required rest. It's time to call home the local maalishwalis (masseuse) that specialise in postnatal and newborn massages.
The ancient or traditional method of wrapping a cotton saree and securing it tight or the modern methods of belly binding, offers support, stability and comfort to the stomach muscles. It heals the muscle walls back together and also support spine and posture realignment.This helps tone tummy muscles and get back the pre-pregnancy shape. If you had a C-section, better avoid this or consult your doctor.
With experiencing this new phase of life called motherhood, feeding and nursing the kid, your health can well go for a toss. Top it with eating whatever you lay your hands on can add to the trouble. Plan your meals and snack well to maintain energy levels. Follow a well-balanced diet comprising of whole grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean meats and dairy. Your baby eats all that you eat. Hence, you cannot go on a low cal diet and cut down on nutrients at this juncture just to lose weight. Infact, a lactating mother needs an additional of 500-600 calories/day. This extra energy is required to produce milk. Since the body spends more via feeding and doing baby chores, refuelling is important too.
There is ofcourse no time to join a structured workout class, but simple exercises such as
can be incorporated into your routine. You can skip the initial 6 weeks post delivery and then start with activity routine.
New moms keep in mind - It took you nine months to grow the baby, thus getting your pre-pregnancy look should take the same time!