Spices are the identity of Indian foods. The flavour imparted by them is what gives Indian foods its unique flavour. Also, it’s not just the flavour but also good health that each spice brings along with it. One such spice that is used as a base and topping for Indian dishes is cumin seeds or “jeera” or “zeera”, which is a mandatory spice in the Indian spice box imparting it’s many health benefits to the takers.
Cumin seeds are similar to fennel or anise seeds. It is a native of Eastern Mediterranean countries and Upper Egypt but now cultivated in Morocco, Iran, Turkey, India, China and the America. This ancient spice has been used to ward off evil, to get a pale complexion to indicate how scholarly a person was, to strengthen faithfulness not just between lovers but was extended to animals, birds and even safeguard belongings from getting robbed! Women gave their sweethearts bread or wine seasoned with cumin to ensure they returned home, such is the love of cumin or we rather say cupid! In Hindu weddings, a paste of jaggery and cumin is dropped over the heads of the bride and groom for a prosperous married life. Stories tell of soldiers going off to war with loaves of cumin bread in their satchels for good luck.
Apart from adding that earthy flavour to dishes, these pungent, potent little things have been shown to aid in digestion thanks to an essential oil called cuminaldehyde which activates the salivary gland in our mouth starting the first step of digestion there; it helps in relieving diarrhoea, dyspepsia, cumin can be used to treat anaemia as it has a good amount of iron. Touted for its weight loss property, studies show that these seeds help in maintaining a healthy fat composition in overweight and obese individuals, also aiding as weight reducers, so adding a teaspoon of this powder will not only enhance the flavour of the food but also maintain a healthy waistline. The essential oils of cumin have antifungal and disinfectant properties, thus the oil of cumin seeds is a great way to beautify and protect your skin, a dash of cumin powder in water or oil will do the trick. Cumin seeds intake may be beneficial for nursing mothers to help improve milk secretion and iron status in body. Adding 1 tsp of Cumin to one cup boiled water, makes it a magic tea for reliving infants from Colicky discomfort. Also, studies show that cumin seeds might be beneficial to help prevent osteoporosis by preventing bone loss.
Cumin has also shown to be helpful in lowering blood sugar and body weight, a good news for all the diabetics, although keep intake with medication low. Boost your immunity by adding cumin to your dishes as the vitamins A and E in it will help protect your body against free radicals and soothe colds and cough. And in case of extreme cold or heat, try soothing itchy skin with water boiled with cumin seeds. Current studies show that regular intake of cumin seeds may help in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. The anti-oxidants like eugenol and limonene present in cumin have strong anti-tumour properties.
With so many benefits and more, it is irresistible not to add this spice in your next dish. So go ahead and enjoy the many benefits of cumin seed, as whole, powdered or as cumin seed tea (cumin seed boiled in water), which acts as both stimulant and relaxant. It is also used as a cheaper replacement for pepper. We recommend its regular use to reap the benefits, for it doesn’t stop getting better.
To sum up in few words the benefits of these tiny seeds, have a look below:
1. Aids in digestion
2. Relief from diarrhoea, dyspepsia
3. Cumin tea for your baby, pamper your colicky child with it
4. Boost your immunity
5. Keep your waistline trimmed
6. Helps in lowering blood sugar, good for diabetics
7. May reduce risk of certain cancers
8. Stimulate an apppetite with it
9. Relax with a cuppa of cumin tea
10.May save your bones from getting brittle, but don't give up on the calcium!