Percent Daily Values are based on a 1,800 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Sign in or Register to get your personalised daily value.
Serving Size: Small Bowl (30 gm)| Calories per serving:168
Kurkure Green Chutney - Rajasthani Style
30 gm
Details |
Weight |
% Daily Values |
Total Fat (Lipid) |
10.71 gm |
26.78% |
Total Carbohydrate |
16.08 gm |
5.49% |
Total Sugars |
0.96 gm |
3.84% |
Protein |
1.92 gm |
2.82% |
get personalised values
Products in ‘Crispies & Namkeen’ category range from 0.5 - 4
- "Zero Trans Fat" & ''Trans Fat free'' does not always mean NO Trans Fat
Trans Fats are one type of fatty acid formed during the food manufacturing process, which when consumed tend to increase the blood cholesterol level.
A claim of the term “Trans-fat free” or Zero Trans Fat on a food label means, where trans-fat is less than 0.2 g per serving of food, this is as per the current Indian food laws.
Therefore, it is important to check the serving size of the product you are consuming, have more than one serving and the nutrient will pile up.
- Know your Food - Flavouring Substances
Flavouring Substances are added to Food products either to regain the flavour it would have lost during processing e.g. juices or to add a new desired flavour e.g. in case of biscuits, vanilla flavour may be added to otherwise food product without any flavour.
Based on the resemblance of the flavouring substance to its natural occurrence, it is classified as natural, nature identical or artificial flavouring substance.
Read this blog to find more about different flavouring substances.
- Loaded with FAT
Energy available from a food is based on Carbohydrate, Fat and Protein present in it. The ideal ratio of energy obtained from these components is 65% from Carbohydrates, 20% from Fat and 15% from protein.
More than 30% of energy available in this product is from FAT, which is 50% more than the ideal amount. Foods with High Fat are often loaded with Saturated Fat and Trans Fat both of which contribute to life style diseases including diabetes, obesity or Cardiovascular.
Again, one should not go on the other extreme of having low fat diet as some amount of fat is required for various bodily functions like storing of energy, absorption of fat soluble vitamins such Vitamin A, D, E and K, insulate us and protect vital organs besides synthesis of specific hormones and cell membrane formation.
Thus, it is important to eat food which has each nutrient in the right quantity and limit food products that give too much of one nutrient.
Rice meal, Edible Vegetable Oil, Corn Meal, gram meal, Spices & Condiments(Chilli Powder, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Tamarind powder, Amchur powder, Cumin Powder, Fennel Powder, Ginger Powder, Parsley Leaf powder), Salt, Sugar, E330, Natural flavoring substance, Nature- Identical Flavouring Substances, Artificial flavouring substances(DATES)
Food Sensitive Alert: Please Log In to see allergen present in this product.
30 gm(Small Bowl)
30 gm(Small Bowl)
30 gm(Small Bowl)
30 gm(Small Bowl)
30 gm(Small Bowl)
Disclaimer:Product Analysis is based on general practices in the field of Nutrition. Please check with or consult a qualified and licensed medical professional for its suitability to you.