Purple Kaddu reviews DANONE Dahi DANONE Dahi contains 59 Calories per 100 gm Find calorie count, nutrition facts and preferences on low fat, low sugar, low salt and high protein food products.



  • 59
  • 100 gm(small bowl)
  • 1.1 km
Nutrients Good & Bad for you

Products in ‘Dahi’ category range from 1.5 - 1.5

Current Product
  • Rich in Protein
    Protein is the main ingredient of structural and functional component of body. It plays a key role in our body as building blocks for  muscles, cartilage, skin, bones and blood. They are also building blocks for enzymes, hormones, and vitamins.

    Foods that we regularly consume are low in Protein so eating food products which get more than 20% of its energy from Protein is good to include in your meal to ensure enough Proteins in a day.
  • High in Fat

    Calories in a food come from carbohydrates, protein and fat. The above product however has more calories from fat, which is not desirable and thus is considered “high in fat”.

    So think again before you go binging on it, as every gram of fat matters!

  • Contains Trans Fat
    Trans Fat are type of fatty acid that are formed either naturally in meats and dairy products like milk or artificially created during the manufacturing process of processed food.
    The artificially formed Trans Fat increases LDL cholesterol (i.e. bad cholesterol) level and reportedly reduces HDL Cholesterol (i.e. Good one) which may lead to cardiac problem.
    There is a global movement to encourage Food Products to be Trans Fat free.The Indian Food law requires the company to state that product contains Trans Fat if content of Trans Fat is more than 0.2 gms per serving size.
    Keep trans fat consumption as low as possible by avoiding foods that states Contain Trans fats on their packages 

Disclaimer:Product Analysis is based on general practices in the field of Nutrition. Please check with or consult a qualified and licensed medical professional for its suitability to you.