Purple Kaddu reviews Sunfeast Yippee Tricolor Pasta Masala Sunfeast Yippee Tricolor Pasta Masala contains 108 Calories per 30 gm Find calorie count, nutrition facts and preferences on low fat, low sugar, low salt and high protein food products.

Sunfeast Yippee Tricolor Pasta Masala

Instant Pasta

  • 108
  • 30 gm(uncooked)
  • 2.1 km
Nutrients Good & Bad for you

Products in ‘Instant Pasta’ category range from 1.5 - 3

Current Product
  • Food Sensitivity Alert for MSG
    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of the common amino acid i.e. Glutamic acid, popular for its usage as flavouring agent in Asian Cooking. 

    This glutamate salt is also found naturally in various foods such as tomatoes and cheese as well as ingredients such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolysed groundnut protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract, soy extracts, and protein isolate. 

    Some people are sensitive to MSG having adverse effects such as headache, depression, etc. on regular consumption of this salt. Indian law requires that foods containing Added MSG list it in the ingredient panel on the packaging with the warning that it should not be consumed by infants below 12 months. However, if ingredients that have naturally occurring MSG, are added to the product then the product may not specify in regards to its presence. 

    Pregnant & Lactating women & Infants should avoid Products containing MSG .
  • Know your Food - Hydrolyzed Vegetable ProteinHydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) is used to enhance the flavour of processed foods such as soups and snacks. 

    HVP is created from cereals and legumes such as groundnut, corn, soy and wheat by processing that results in proteins being broken down into amino acids. One of those amino acids is glutamic acid which is a form of monosodium glutamate (MSG).

    Though HVP is not same as MSG it does contain the compound. So, if you are sensitive to MSG you should avoid consuming foods that contain HVP. Also, take care the food ingredient label may use differen terms to indicate the source of HVP such as Hydrolyzed Groundnut Protein. 
  • High in Sugar
    Sugar is a source of Instant Energy which if not used mainly by muscles, is stored as Fat.
    One of the immediate side effects of High Sugar diet is insulin surge and increase in fat deposits in the body. 

    Long term use of diets high in sugar are linked to increased risk for diabetes, obesity and contributes to cravings, mood swings, PMS, and a host of other conditions. Also, some studies suggest that its not FAT but sugar that is the cause for higher intake calorie and excess weight gain. Now no need to go to other extreme and drop sugar completely from your diet.

    So, it is better to limit the consuming products like these which are high in sugar or better still avoid them.
  • Highly Processed!
    Additives are added to the packaged foods for different reasons varying from increasing shelf life, to provide flavour and texture, increasing nutrition quality or required to manufacture some types of food. 

    One of the ways to determine the degree of Processing is the number of additives you find in the ingredient list. The higher the number of additives greater is the degree of processing. Additives can be identified by looking for ingredients that begin with 'E' and have a number in them. 

    It is generally recommended that food that is closer to nature is better hence it is better to choose food products with lesser number of additives.

Disclaimer:Product Analysis is based on general practices in the field of Nutrition. Please check with or consult a qualified and licensed medical professional for its suitability to you.